Friday, January 11, 2013



Hiya Again!  Savannah here with late breaking news...beep...beep...beep...

First...I know who my Secret Paws kitties are...and I follow their bloggy, Nasty is my...


to SHELDON, PIKA AND KASIA!!...and of course to Miss Catherine too....

Here's what happened...the gang at Nasty Paws were reading my post yesterday and SHOCKED that all they saw were the two nip toys...they sent a pretty card so I would know who they were, AND another package that had more way cool things in it that I just know I would have luvluvluv'd!!

AND...they even sent two key chains, not just one, BUT Mom and Dad could each have a key chain with MY PHOTO in how special is that, I ask you....huh?...huh??

None of it arrived...most likely held hostage (VBP) by the Polish customs peeps.

Who says you can't have Christmas prezzies twice in one year...and who says it has to be "real" prezzies to make a kitty purrr???? is the thought that counts...and my Secret Paws put like a TON of thought into selecting my prezzies...knowing just what I would like and what would put big smiles on Mom and Dad too...

So here is my SECOND CHRISTMAS TREE...with all that thoughtfulness under it...

I luvluvluv laser toys, and mice with furrs on them and balls...(purrlease forgive the fuzzy me..Mom is new at photo edits)

I also found out that the second package I received with a card that just said "Secret Secret Paws" was REALLY from Truffle and Brulee and Mom Paula!!! They didn't want me to go without a Secret Paw gift. There were some mice in there...and just so Truffle and Brulee know how much I like what they selected for me...check out this shot of me playing with one of those mouses...

I had a great second Christmas...thank you Pika, Sheldon and Kasia and Miss Catherine...and also Truffle, Brulee and Mom Paula for making this adult rescue cat's First Christmas in my furrever home so special.

Paw pats, Savannah


Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

That was very nice of Brulee, Truffle and Mom Paula to send you a package, too.

Happy belated Catmas!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Nothing like prezzies! Even when they are late!

Ingrid said...

So thanks to the custom's office or whatever it was, you have to celebrate a second Christmas in February ! How nice ! I have sent a Christmas card in a white envelope near Boston and it hasn't yet arrived. For Tanzania it took over 6 weeks ! Snail mail indeed !

LV said...

I always said you can have birthdays or Christmas anytime you want. Cute post.

Blog Sisters said...

Great gifts, you definitely had a fun Christmas.

Ingrid said...

So you get Christmas presents at Easter ! Why not we think we will have a "white Easter" as we didn't have a "white Christmas"
Happy Easter to you !

Anonymous said...

I travelled back to my home country a few years ago - where we used to live with Mac. I wanted to bring her favourite parsley flavoured cat treats back as you can't buy them in Australia. I declared them at customs- and they took them off me- because apparently you can't bring any animal food products in. Poor Mac, will never get to savour those treats again. I haven't found any cat treats in Australia that the cats enjoy :(

As for catnip- wouldn't that be like smuggling drugs! Those kitties get real high on that stuff, before it zonks them out! I must go supply our kitties with some to keep them quiet for the day- here, kitty kitty!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Mieow....., we jus came by to Fank You fur stopping by with your comforting purrz on acounta Penelope'z leaving fur da Bridge so suddenly. You helped to make da dark dayz ahead a little more bearable ^..^

Soft Purrz ~
Sunny, Gabriel, Larry, Lolly, Ana, & sad sad mommeh

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are hoping you still check this blog. We want to thank you so very much for your kind words of comfort and friendship after our very sudden loss of Thunder. We are all still very sad, but the support and love from all of our friends from all over the world is helping to heal our broken hearts. We are sure that Thunder Dunder is now in a very happy place and also very thankful to have so many wonderful friends.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, Lightning, and Mom Kathie

Kitikata-san said...

Thank you for sending good thoughts and purrs to Kitikata-san. She is sick with at tumor, and it is making me so very sad. Your message is helping me be a little less sad.

Nancy said...

How fun! Your kitty is so cute opening her prezzie. :)

Ingrid said...

Better late then never !